1,498 research outputs found

    Decay Phase Cooling and Inferred Heating of M- and X-class Solar Flares

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    In this paper, the cooling of 72 M- and X-class flares is examined using GOES/XRS and SDO/EVE. The observed cooling rates are quantified and the observed total cooling times are compared to the predictions of an analytical 0-D hydrodynamic model. It is found that the model does not fit the observations well, but does provide a well defined lower limit on a flare's total cooling time. The discrepancy between observations and the model is then assumed to be primarily due to heating during the decay phase. The decay phase heating necessary to account for the discrepancy is quantified and found be ~50% of the total thermally radiated energy as calculated with GOES. This decay phase heating is found to scale with the observed peak thermal energy. It is predicted that approximating the total thermal energy from the peak is minimally affected by the decay phase heating in small flares. However, in the most energetic flares the decay phase heating inferred from the model can be several times greater than the peak thermal energy.Comment: Published in the Astrophysical Journal, 201

    O método das múltiplas hipóteses de trabalho

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    Tradução realizada em 1995 por Gilberto Amaral, IG-Unicamp, do original em Inglês: Chamberlin T.C. 1897. The method of multiple working hypotheses. J.Geology 5:837-848.Tradução realizada em 1995 por Gilberto Amaral, IG-Unicamp, do original em Inglês: Chamberlin T.C. 1897. The method of multiple working hypotheses. J.Geology 5:837-848.82115119sem informaçãosem informaçãoGeologi

    Thermal Evolution and Radiative Output of Solar Flares Observed by the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE)

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    This paper describes the methods used to obtain the thermal evolution and radiative output during solar flares as observed by the Extreme u ltraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) onboard the Solar Dynamics Ob servatory (SDO). Presented and discussed in detail are how EVE measur ements, due to its temporal cadence, spectral resolution and spectral range, can be used to determine how the thermal plasma radiates at v arious temperatures throughout the impulsive and gradual phase of fla res. EVE can very accurately determine the radiative output of flares due to pre- and in-flight calibrations. Events are presented that sh ow the total radiated output of flares depends more on the flare duration than the typical GOES X-ray peak magnitude classification. With S DO observing every flare throughout its entire duration and over a la rge temperature range, new insights into flare heating and cooling as well as the radiative energy release in EUV wavelengths support exis ting research into understanding the evolution of solar flares

    Global Energetics of Thirty-Eight Large Solar Eruptive Events

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    We have evaluated the energetics of 38 solar eruptive events observed by a variety of spacecraft instruments between February 2002 and December 2006, as accurately as the observations allow. The measured energetic components include: (1) the radiated energy in the GOES 1 - 8 A band; (2) the total energy radiated from the soft X-ray (SXR) emitting plasma; (3) the peak energy in the SXR-emitting plasma; (4) the bolometric radiated energy over the full duration of the event; (5) the energy in flare-accelerated electrons above 20 keV and in flare-accelerated ions above 1 MeV; (6) the kinetic and potential energies of the coronal mass ejection (CME); (7) the energy in solar energetic particles (SEPs) observed in interplanetary space; and (8) the amount of free (nonpotential) magnetic energy estimated to be available in the pertinent active region. Major conclusions include: (1) the energy radiated by the SXR-emitting plasma exceeds, by about half an order of magnitude, the peak energy content of the thermal plasma that produces this radiation; (2) the energy content in flare-accelerated electrons and ions is sufficient to supply the bolometric energy radiated across all wavelengths throughout the event; (3) the energy contents of flare-accelerated electrons and ions are comparable; (4) the energy in SEPs is typically a few percent of the CME kinetic energy (measured in the rest frame of the solar wind); and (5) the available magnetic energy is sufficient to power the CME, the flare-accelerated particles, and the hot thermal plasma

    The Yarkovsky Drift's Influence on NEAs: Trends and Predictions with NEOWISE Measurements

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    We used WISE-derived geometric albedos (p_V) and diameters, as well as geometric albedos and diameters from the literature, to produce more accurate diurnal Yarkovsky drift predictions for 540 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) out of the current sample of \sim 8,800 known objects. As ten of the twelve objects with the fastest predicted rates have observed arcs of less than a decade, we list upcoming apparitions of these NEAs to facilitate observations.Comment: Accepted for publication by The Astronomical Journal. 41 pages, 3 figure

    Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) Multiple EUV Grating Spectrographs (MEGS): Radiometric Calibrations and Results

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    The NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), scheduled for launch in early 2010, incorporates a suite of instruments including the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE). EVE has multiple instruments including the Multiple Extreme ultraviolet Grating Spectrographs (MEGS) A, B, and P instruments, the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM), and the Extreme ultraviolet SpectroPhotometer (ESP). The radiometric calibration of EVE, necessary to convert the instrument counts to physical units, was performed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility (SURF III) located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. This paper presents the results and derived accuracy of this radiometric calibration for the MEGS A, B, P, and SAM instruments, while the calibration of the ESP instrument is addressed by Didkovsky et al. . In addition, solar measurements that were taken on 14 April 2008, during the NASA 36.240 sounding-rocket flight, are shown for the prototype EVE instruments

    Validity of the second law in nonextensive quantum thermodynamics

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    The second law of thermodynamics in nonextensive statistical mechanics is discussed in the quantum regime. Making use of the convexity property of the generalized relative entropy associated with the Tsallis entropy indexed by q, Clausius' inequality is shown to hold in the range of q between zero and two. This restriction on the range of the entropic index, q, is purely quantum mechanical and there exists no upper bound of q for validity of the second law in classical theory.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Solidity of Viscous Liquids

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    Recent NMR experiments on supercooled toluene and glycerol by Hinze and Bohmer show that small rotation angles dominate with only few large molecular rotations. These results are here interpreted by assuming that viscous liquids are solid-like on short length scales. A characteristic length, the "solidity length", separates solid-like behavior from liquid-like behavior.Comment: Plain RevTex file, no figure

    Time decay of the remanent magnetization in the ±J\pm J spin glass model at T=0

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    Using the zero-temperature Metropolis dynamics, the time decay of the remanent magnetization in the ±J\pm J Edward-Anderson spin glass model with a uniform random distribution of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions has been investigated. Starting from the saturation, the magnetization per spin mm reveals a slow decrease with time, which can be approximated by a power law:m(t)=m+(ta0)a1m(t)=m_{\infty}+ ({t\over a_{0}})^{a_{1}}, a1<0a_{1} < 0. Moreover, its relaxation does not lead it into one of the ground states, and therefore the system is trapped in metastable isoenergetic microstates remaining magnetized. Such behaviour is discussed in terms of a random walk the system performs on its available configuration space.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure